ResourceSpace contributions

Working at Montala I made a wide range of contributions from simple fixes to bigger plugins and big design changes on the ResourceSpace Open Source Digital Asset Management project. In the first 6 months of working on the project, I quickly built up contributions. Being paid to work on an Open Source project has been thoroughly envigorating and rewarding as the software is used by so many people and I have had the opportunity to engage with users in a more flexible manner. You can find out more about the project as well as inspect my commits at Some of my major contributions are listed below:

  • Responsive Plugin - I was the project lead and principle developer of the ResourceSpace responsive plugin.
  • SlimHeader redesign - ResourceSpace got a complete facelift with a new slim header design which works well with responsive and also provides a much bigger workspace.
  • Updated the existing browser language detection functionality
  • large numbers of config options and additional admin tools to extend the power of administrators within ResourceSpace. This includes new permissions, group specific logos and field controls.

Knowledge Base

Before I started working on ResourceSpace, the documentation existed primarily in a very sparse wiki which covered much of the basics but in an informal and often overly technical way. In order to make ResourceSpace more available and easy to use for everyone, I built and wrote the majority of a new knowledge base which stored articles with an easier contruction and a logical layout to make it easier for users and administrators to get started with ResourceSpace. The knowledge base unfortunately had to be launched without use of any of the great knowledge base / FAQ engines out there so I devised a neat ordering system to break the articles down for the different user types. Use of the knowledge base has been steadily increasing and demand for more guides and documentation is growing. As with all projects, if only there was more time.